Pre-order policy

Cancellation Policy
Some items in our store may be offered to you as a pre-order. This cancellation policy lays out how you can change or cancel these kinds of purchases.

When you purchase a pre-order, you are buying an out-of-stock or soon-to-be-available product not yet in inventory. To secure your items, you will be charged at the time of purchase. 
When an item is available for pre-order, there is a limited quantity of pre-order inventory available. Once the limit has been met, no additional pre-orders can be submitted.
You may only cancel a pre-order order within 24 hours from the purchaseWe do not accept pre-order cancellations after 24 hours of order placement. If you have changed your mind about the product purchased in pre-order within 24 hours from purchase, you can cancel by contacting us at

Please note, canceled pre-orders are subject to a 20% cancellation fee